Electrical Panel Upgrade – Premium Electric

Electrician for Electrical Panel Upgrade

Are you ready for an electrical panel upgrade? Do you know what your electrical panel amperage is or how many circuits your panel has?

If you’re living in an older house that still has the older style panel (less than 200 amps) here are some reasons why you should consider an electrical panel upgrade:

  • Electrical panels that are less than 200 amps can only have a maximum of 32 circuits yet most modern homes require more than that (i.e.: 200 amp panels can have up to 42 circuits).
  • Old Electrical panel wiring should be replaced with new wiring that is up to code.
  • A panel upgrade will be better able to handle all your modern appliances plus all your computers and electronic equipment more easily.
  • Insurance companies will love you because you are investing in the safety and security of your residence.
  • A panel better suited to your electrical needs of this decade will also decrease the risk of overloaded breakers. On older panels, breakers will trip when too many devices begin to put a strain on your existing electrical system.

IF you need a new electrical panel upgrade for your home…
Email or call us anytime
at 604-332-1282

What does an electrical panel do?

Your home’s electrical panel takes the power supplied to your home by a utility company and regulates the distribution of that power to different locations in your house. Residential electrical codes dictate how much power you are allowed to supply to any given branch of circuits that run throughout your home.

The breakers in your electric panel monitor the power used throughout your home. If the energy draw on any branch of your home exceeds the limitation of the breaker, your wiring will heat up. The breaker will trip if the load limit of the breaker exceeds the rating.

Where can I find my electrical panel?

Normally, electrical panels are located in the basement or on the main floor of a home if there is no basement. Sometimes the panel can be located in the garage if there is one. Electrical panels are metal grey boxes that are either mounted on a wall that is unfinished or within a finished wall. Panels can also be placed in less conspicuous locations such as laundry rooms, closets, or utility rooms. Your electrical panel upgrade should be accessible no matter where it is located in your home.

Aging panels can cause a host of problems including:

  • Electrical wires that melt as a result of age or circuit overload.
  • Fires or shocks caused by overheating when an older breaker doesn’t trip properly.
  • Lights that intermittently flicker for no logical reason.
  • Fuses that burn out or breakers that trip regularly.
  • Appliances that will not function unless another appliance is turned off.

The safety and well-being of your family, your home, and your belongings are more than enough reasons to consider upgrading your electrical panel. Don’t put your family and property at risk.

Call our Abbotsford electricians at 604-332-1282 if your panel is unsuitable for your home’s needs and you wish to upgrade your panel to 200 amps.

What are some signs that I may need an electrical panel upgrade?

  • Fuse boxes or electrical panels that crackle
  • Ungrounded electrical outlets (outlets with only two prongs and no ground)
  • Your panel shows signs of rust or corroded breakers within the panel
  • The inability of your appliances to run at full power
  • Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) not located in critical areas specified by code
  • Your existing panel is less than 200 amps

Contact Us for a Panel Upgrade

The cost for an electrical panel upgrade is minimal when compared to the damage that can be caused by an electrical fire and the risk that older, outdated panels and panel wiring pose to your family and your possessions.

Premium Electric provides affordable electrical services to many communities across the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Lower Mainland including Maple Ridge BC. We would be pleased to serve you. Call our certified electricians at 604-332-1282 about upgrading your electrical panel today.

We can also email us or fill out our online Contact Form.

We are also available if you need a 24-hour emergency electrician.

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