
Premium Electric Answers Your Electricity Questions

Electricity remains the silent force powering much of our activities but for the layperson, electricity questions abound. Electricity is integral to our daily routines. It starts from the moment we unplug our phones in the morning, flick on the lights, and brew our first cup of coffee. We continue to use electricity throughout the day…

What Is the Difference Between AC and DC Current?

In this post, our electricians discuss AC vs DC current so you can learn more about how alternating current and direct current works, how they differ, and how both are used in real-life applications. Electronics are now a staple in every household, but have you ever stopped to think about the type of electricity that…

Journeyman Electrician vs Apprentice
vs Red Seal Ticketed

What is a Journeyman Electrician and how is it different from an Apprentice or Red Seal Ticketed Electrician? Inevitably, we all need to hire an electrician at some point in our lives and when we do, most of us have no idea what level of education the electrician might have had. This post, on “What…

Why Canada is Phasing Out Incandescent Light Bulbs

Why did Canada implement the incandescent light bulb phase out is a question that our Abbotsford electricians seem to hear quite often. Our Canadian Government is committed to finding efficient, more cost-effective ways for reducing environmental impact. Phasing out incandescent light bulbs (as of 2014) and setting new standards to improve light bulb efficiency is…

Problems with aluminum wiring w image of electrical parts

Aluminum Wiring FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

In this post, we’ll look at answering some of the most common FAQ about aluminum wiring in houses. History of Aluminum Wiring. Historically, aluminum wiring, which is lighter than copper, was also thought to conduct electricity better than copper. Aluminum wiring in houses has been around since the late 1800s. Even today, most utility companies…

Electrical fuse box with row of breakers

FAQ – Types of Electrical Fuses & How They Work

In this post, our Abbotsford electricians answer the most frequently asked questions about the types of fuses available, plus how they work and how they should be used properly. What Is A Fuse? Fuses are devices that allow the flow of standard electrical current and in some cases, a marginal percentage more. Although there are…